Son of Man (2006 film)

Son of Man is a 2006 movie directed by South African director Mark DornfordMay. It was the first South African movie to make its debut at Sundance Film Festival.

This movie was released September 9, 2006, in the Netherlands. The film received the first VetoJury prize at the Africa Filmfestival in the Belgian university city Louvain on May 5, 2007. This jury was selected by the student magazine Veto, which brought in that way together seven students representing a number of faculties of the Catholic University of Leuven. The students gave the reasons for their award We selected a film which stimulates viewers to think and which does not leave them feeling indifferent. Musical beat, rapid rhythms, alternation of several styles and original shots ensure that the film is always stimulating. It is a film of a bestseller, but nothing is obvious in it the story as we know it is turned upside down.

Source: Wikipedia